Quote of the Month:

"...whether a million monkeys with a million digital cameras would eventually shoot the work of Henri Cartier-Bresson?"

Saturday 5 March 2011

Heaven's Light Our Guide

With so many University assignments due, I thought it only appropriate tonight to continue in my best efforts at putting off actually doing any of it. Since most people often 'take the Michael' out of my hometown of Portsmouth, I decided to do a little research on various historical matters relating to the city.

I won't go into lots of detail, but let's just say that everyone owes a great deal to the best seaside location in the South of England. From famous births of people such as Charles Dickens and Isambard Kingdom Brunel, the alleged goalkeeping exploits of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, various other historical figures such as Horatio Nelson, Richard The Lionheart, Henry VII, Robert Blake, and John Pounds have all had close links with the city over the years, and it is important not to forget the more recent temperamental (millenium) Spinnaker Tower.

I think all that Portsmouth is missing is a famous photographer... Any suggestions?


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